Rules We Abide By

Domestic Transport

ČD SPPO (2524 kB)

Tarif ČD změna č. 2 platný od 10. 12. 2023 (6653 kB)

Rules for purchasing in the ČD e-shop and the Můj vlak application

Contractual Transport Conditions of OneTicket - One Ticket

Tariff Conditions and Price List of OneTicket - One Ticket

Transport and Tariff Bulletin (PTV)

Žádost o odškodnění (823 kB)

Integrated Transport Systems

International Transport

Tarifní a přepravní podmínky Českých drah v mezinárodní přepravě (TPPM) – platí od 10. 12. 2023 (4079 kB)

Adresy reklamačních služeben jednotlivých železničních dopravců (349 kB)

Žádost o odškodnění (823 kB)

Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)

Uniform Legal Rules for the Contract of International Railway Transport of Passengers (CIV, Appendix A to the Convention)

Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) No. 782/2021 of 29 April 2021 on rights and obligations of passengers in railway transport, effective from 7. 6. 2023

Contractual Transport Conditions of Czech Railways for Public Passenger Transport (SPPO) are applied to the extent determined in GCC-CIV/PRR and TPPM, and in all cases where none of the above conventions, regulations, and tariffs can be applied.

Temporary Tariff and Transport Measures

List of Temporary Tariff and Transport Measures

Documents for In Karta

Obchodní podmínky pro vydávání a používání In Karty jako elektronického peněžního prostředku uchovávajícího elektronické peníze – platí od 8.11.2017 (251 kB)

Conditions for Issuing and Using In KartaConditions for Issuing and Using In Karta

Conditions of In Karta on a Mobile PhoneConditions of In Karta on a Mobile Phone

Reklamační řád In Karty (34 kB)

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of In Karta HolderConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of In Karta Holder

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the Virtual In Karta HolderConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the Virtual In Karta Holder

Souhlas žadatele o služební In Kartu s poskytnutím osobních údajů (45 kB)

Doporučení pro používání zákaznické In Karty (28 kB)

Doporučení pro používání zaměstnanecké In Karty (27 kB)

Personal Data Protection

Rights of Personal Data Subjects in the ČD Environment

Zpracovatelé osobních údajů (286 kB)

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the User Account on the Czech Railways Personal Transport PortalConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the User Account on the Czech Railways Personal Transport Portal

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the ČD Kredit AccountConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the ČD Kredit Account

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the In Karta HolderConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the In Karta Holder

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the Virtual In Karta HolderConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the Virtual In Karta Holder

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the ČD Body AccountConditions for the Protection of Personal Data of the ČD Body Account

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data during Purchases in the ČD e-shop without RegistrationConditions for the Protection of Personal Data during Purchases in the ČD e-shop without Registration

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the TeleTiket ServiceConditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the TeleTiket Service

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD Companies ProgramConditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD Companies Program

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD BIKE SURVEY CompetitionConditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD BIKE SURVEY Competition

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD BIKE ServiceConditions for the Protection of Personal Data for the ČD BIKE Service

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data – Group TransportationConditions for the Protection of Personal Data – Group Transportation

Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data – Transportation of Persons with Limited Mobility and OrientationConditions for the Protection of Personal Data – Transportation of Persons with Limited Mobility and Orientation

Other Binding Documents

Operating Conditions when Using the Czech Railways Personal Transport PortalOperating Conditions when Using the Czech Railways Personal Transport Portal

Web Accessibility StatementWeb Accessibility Statement

Rules for Purchasing in the ČD e-shop and the Můj vlak Application

Commercial Conditions for Establishing and Using the ČD Kredit Payment InstrumentCommercial Conditions for Establishing and Using the ČD Kredit Payment Instrument

Rules of the ČD Body Loyalty ProgramRules of the ČD Body Loyalty Program

General Commercial Conditions of the ČD e-shop for the ČD Companies ProgramGeneral Commercial Conditions of the ČD e-shop for the ČD Companies Program

Rules and Conditions for Telephone Sales of eTiket Documents through the ČD Central Customer Service - TeleTiket ServiceRules and Conditions for Telephone Sales of eTiket Documents through the ČD Central Customer Service - TeleTiket Service

Standardy kvality společnosti České dráhy, a.s. (377 kB)

Vyhodnocení standardů kvality 2018 (2035 kB)

Vyhodnocení Standardů kvality za rok 2019 - Zpráva o kvalitě poskytovaných služeb ČD, a.s. (2194 kB)

Rules of the ČD BIKE SURVEY CompetitionRules of the ČD BIKE SURVEY Competition

Objednávka jízdních dokladů hrazených bezhotovostně (112 kB)

Ordering a Journey for a Wheelchair User or Assistance

Ordering a Journey for a Group

Pravidla pro poskytování a užívání služby bezplatného přístupu na internet (196 kB)

Introduction Rules We Abide By